Racial Rethink 7.5- Party Lines

This Racial Rethink won’t be as timeless as the previous ones have deliberately been, however, it is equally needed for the white in this day and age, and, while not as explicit, I also will make sure this post can be applied to future political paradigms. The application of wrote I wrote in RR7 here is why I have labeled this one as 7.5

I shall begin with a clarification that I do not support Andrew Yang. I do enjoy some of the Yang Gang memes, and have supported social income assistance for years now, but I do not endorse the universalism of his ideas, the computerized, formulaic structure of his policies, and many of his social values, and I on principle will never vote for a nonwhite candidate.

That said, Trump the president elected as a pro-white Trumpist is no longer that. He hasn’t been for a while.

This is the first conceit. Politicians are dishonest. This separated hierarchy encourages corruption. A collective class rule is what spurs our natural proclivity to democracy, inspired by the Greek and Balkan Celt ancestors of whites’ ancient musings. However, with an empire, this proclivity is misplaced. Either we change or it will.

It changed and so did Trump.

Trumpism is the opposite of what the internet would call cucking. It was a style of populism that rejected any and all criticisms and insults to bear the brunt of them so that a normal man could go on without having too. It’s not ‘redpilled’ or ‘bluepilled’, it’s simply not cucked, not ashamed, not censored. Trump acted as a bullwark against the left, still part of the white’s collective.

He even took the brunt of the aware white’s criticism when supporting Israel. It is as fate has decided it rightly, good to have imperfect politicians to distract the quarreling self-appointed political commentators from attacking each other and destroying themselves.  Fate knows the balance of the collective and a collective’s seen ‘leader’ and Trump, Zionism and all, did stay in balance.

Until this winter. Now he backtracks and denies and acts as if there is no problem present in his administration or his own strategy. Trump may have not been intelligent, even for the vincible ignorant baby boomer generation, but he owned it. Trumpism WAS being unafraid to come off as stupid to make a point. But now it’s just stupid. There is no point.

I’m still a Trumpist. But Trump’s not and probably never really was. And that’s what matters.

Trump isn’t the White’s candidate. And if you look at everyone from Steve King to James Allsup to Patrick Little? There is one thing the white can see.

The Republican Party is not the white’s party.

So what now?

Well, it would be improper to stay on one side of the party line. Look at Richard Spencer’s compliments of socialists and leftists. Look at how even Trump took what would have been Democrat foreign policy ten years ago to get to the White House. The parties, and the issues, can and will change. So what should the white focus on?

Well, he ought to be willing to admit that the democratic party has some good ideas, and, if needed, vote for them just enough to get those good ideas into the field of discussion, and, for the sake of the white race, we must never let them get into significant power.

These are each for two reasons: one, ideas are important because the primary demographic for actual political thought is white people and the second, we must not elect them because no Democrat will ever reduce the demographic replacement faced, so if we go that far to try and ‘swing the pendulum’ or even if you really believe it, we must stay majority Republican.

From this, I ask now what? Well, it’s rather simple, actually. A holistic attempt failed, and I believe it’s reasonable to see that there is no perfect candidate. I’m 23, only voted in one election, and I can still see this.

I for one will offer my humble solution: have patience, and focus on one thing at time. We need to find an issue the left holds dear, and then crush it with swift efficiency.

So, who do we have that can be risen to a position of power easily, and will focus greatly on actually eradicating a threat he’s shown to actually care about?


The proposition? Mike Pence. White hair, white man, the way for the white.

Now, this is by no means to state that Pence is the ideal leader. He’s very pro-Israel, however, in that, he is little different from modern Trump, and at the very least his Zionist behavior is to be strongly anticipated.

The key focus of Pence is victory in terms of the homosexual question. I don’t need to show how and why homosexuals are bad for society: they obviously degrade morality, health, and fertility. What should also go without saying, especially in light of how insidious homosexuality is, is how much the left adores it. That is why the right, the white, must destroy it.

Mike Pence, if he will do one thing, is lead the fight against homosexuality, and though he himself may and likely will not end it, he will bring the issue to greater consciousness, which will inevitably have the result of more people realizing how repulsive homosexuality. is. This is why the left likes to censor, not debate: they are wrong.

What happens after Mike Pence?

Election 2018 House Gabbard Hawaii, Honolulu, USA - 06 Nov 2018

Well, maybe we need someone like Tulsi Gabbard in office. In fact, I’d say that Tulsi Gabbard is an ideal 2024 or 2028 President, if Pence does take the seat for a term or two, as her past shows she is clearly not going to fight against the hypothetical prior administrations view on homosexuality, bringing a bipartisanship to the issue. She will also reject Zionism, supporting America’s natural allies in Syria and Iran, eliminating the bad of Pence’s theoretical Presidency.

In short, what should the white opt for in the future for the presidency? What is in our interests? How do we avoid a ruination of the white by means of a lukewarm, almost-good-but-never-enough President?

Like this.

  1. Bring Andrew Yang to the forefront in 2019, make his ideas big enough to matter, but have the democrats crush him hard enough that he never runs again.
  2. The Democratic Nominee
    1. Have an old, white (looking) man become the nominee. Ideally Bernie or Biden, although this may be dangerous, as both are very popular.
    2. Alternatively, have a statement made with Pete Buttigieg, who probably has no chance of standing up to Trump in a debate.
    3. Support any attacks on any and all possible nominees to ruin them, like how the DNC leak and email scandals ruined Hillary.
  3. Trump wins 2020
  4. The Democrats are so enraged, they whip out another ‘collusion’ conspiracy.
  5. Trump leaves the White House in 2021, Mike Pence sworn in
  6. Support Pence unconditionally on the gays, and just enough to when he supports Israel for the Jews to support his 2024 campaign
  7. Support Tulsi Gabbard in 2024 or 2028.
    1. It’s her turn
  8. BTFO Zionists and gays
  9. Wait. 2028 is 9 years away, and there’s no chance I can predict the political system then. Maybe we can get a Steve King type in power. Or even a Paul Nehlen type.

To finish, although I am not a Christian, I’ll quote this.


Goodbye, Trump era. These years will be of Pence and Gabbard.


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